“Until people understand the Word of God – it cannot transform them.”

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ABC exists to make Scripture known
so that it can transform more lives. 

One of the most effective ways to do this is by simply reading the Bible out loud, together. 

Our oral Bible reading groups (known as ABC Bible Groups) do just that. With a vision to mobilize and equip every local church to regularly read the Bible in community, we seek to wipe out biblical illiteracy in Rwanda—adding much-needed biblical depth to Africa’s rich legacy of prayer, preaching and heartfelt worship.

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How it started

ABC is a ministry started by Dr. Garry Friesen (known as Dr. G) and his students from Kigali, Rwanda. Using a simple reading plan to encourage every believer in Rwanda to read the Bible, thousands of people and hundreds of groups have now benefitted from speaking God’s Word out loud, and witnessing its power to transform.

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The context

Rwanda and Africa in general have responded strongly to the gospel. However, the lack of biblical depth has left the African church with many heresies and weak theological foundations. Only about 5% of rural pastors in Rwanda have ever read through the New Testament even once.

Next steps

After ABC Bible Groups starting spreading, many rural churches began asking for additional training.
To find out more about our pastor training,

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Why read Scripture?

Click here to find out.

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Catch up

on our collection of articles and other resources here. Click here.

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Take a look at ABC’s FAQ!

“Africa’s church is strong in many areas—with an inspiring commitment to prayer, fasting and worship for instance. Yet there is also a widespread lack of understanding of the Scriptures. I believe that when depth is added to her theology and reading of the Bible, Africa’s church will rise to become the global frontrunners of our faith.”

Dr. Garry Friesen