“Man shall not live on bread alone,
but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.”

Matthew 4:4

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With a vision to wipe out biblical illiteracy in Rwanda and beyond — ABC is founded upon the conviction that God’s unchanging Word changes lives — for good.

How it started

ABC is a ministry started by Dr. Garry Friesen (known as Dr. G) and some of his students in Kigali, Rwanda.

How it works

Jesus loved to gather in small groups, and so do we. Find out all about the plan we’ve created to ensure that every one gets to read and pray the Word of God in community.

“The Bible Project has found a kindred spirit in ABC. We both want the Scripture to be taught—showing how they are united and point to Christ. We commend their ministries to wipe out biblical illiteracy in Rwanda and Africa.”

Jon Collins, co-founder and director of The Bible Project.

Far away?

No matter the distance, you can make a big difference. If you’d like to help us spread the spoken Word further and wider still, 

Speak up!

Want to talk further or find out more?
We’d love to hear from you.